Capital Area Minor Football Association
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Here are a couple of items to keep in mind as you review.

For practices:

1) For U8 & U10 Flag your 2 weekly practices (1 turf & 1 grass)

2) For U12, U14, U16, and U18 Girls this schedule only has your turf practices. Your head coach will communicate what night of the week they will want to have their grass practices and where they will be located.

For Games:

1) U8 & U10 Flag will only be playing in the city and for the most part your games will be on Saturday. Once we have the final numbers we will be able to draw up the schedule of who is playing who but you can assume it will be on Saturday with the exception of September 23rd. This weekend we are moving your games to Sunday.

2) U12 Will be playing in the city and again for the most part playing their games on Saturday with the exception of the weekend of the 23rd.

3) U14, U16, and U18 Girls will be playing their games on Sundays. Some weekends they will be playing here in Fredericton and other weekends they will be traveling to Moncton or Saint John. For these divisions, we are working with the other associations to complete an interlocking schedule. This will be released closer to Sept 10th when all three associations close the registrations. Games held on the September 10th weekend will be in Fredericton and we are not expecting travel for that weekend.


1) for all levels if you played on a team in the Spring you will likely be with the same team. There are some things to keep in mind.

a) we have greater numbers of athletes in the fall so there could be new teams created and athletes redistributed between the teams.

b) Sometimes athletes or coaches take a season off and we need to redistribute athletes.

When these situations happen we make every attempt to limit the disruption and work very closely with the coaches and the Coaches and CAMFA do our best to ensure the teams are fair and as equal as possible at the start of the season.

2) If you did not play in the spring, do not worry, you will be placed on a team very quickly.

3) U16 specifically - If you or your athlete are trying out for the Varsity Lions or the Varisty Black Kats please still register for CAMFA if it is your intention to play with the U16 Lion or U16 Black Kats if you do not make the Varsity team. Select the Pay Later option and you will only need to pay when you pick up your gear from CAMFA.

Parents, few grade 10 athletes make the Varsity team, and even fewer grade 9. In addition, playtime in games is often reduced for these athletes simply because of size and ability. Support your athlete to play and if they decide they would like to try out for their Varsity team and don't make the team encourage them to play for the CAMFA U16 program where they will continue to develop, better their skills, and have a blast playing the game they love.

The first two weeks:

For the tackle program, your season starts on August 21st. During the first two weeks, all players in their division will come together and practice at the same place and location. These two weeks are about getting moving again after the summer and safe contact.


The first two weeks are without gear and we will look to hand out gear to all athletes the week of September 4th.

Updates and Changes to the schedule:

1) once the season is up and running all changes and updates to the schedule will come from your coach through the TeamLinkt app. Please download. Once you are placed on a team all communications from your coach(s) should come thru the app via a easy to use messaging system. There is even a schedule where your coach will upload the schedule, games, etc and you will be able to let the coach know if your athlete is attending practice. Trust me the coaches love knowing if you are coming or if they can't make it.

We are looking forward to a great season with you and your athlete.

See you on the field!